Name | Meaning | Origin | Gender |
BABACK | Loving father | Persian | M |
BADE | Full moon | All Nationalities | M |
BAEDDAN | Boar | Welsh | M |
BAHARI | Sea Man | African | M |
BAIRD | Minstrel, Poet | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BAIRN | Child, Born | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BALDASARRE | Brave One | Italian | M |
BALIN | Knights of the Round Table | English | M |
BALLARD | Brave | German | M |
BALTHASAR | One of the 3 Kings | Greek | M |
BAN | Not Available | Vietnamese | M |
BANAGHER | Pointed Hill | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BANYAN | The Banyan Tree | English | M |
BAO | To order, to bid | Vietnamese | M |
BAQER | Man of knowledge | Arabic | M |
BARAK | Lightning | Hebrew | M |
BARBOD | Hero | Persian | M |
BARCLAY | Meadow of the Birch Tree | English | M |
BARDIA | The prince | Persian | M |
BARID | Clouid | Hindi | M |
BARKE | Blessings | African | M |
BARNABAS | Son of a Missionary | Greek | M |
BARNARD | From the name BERNARD | German | M |
BARNEY | From the name BERNARD | English | M |
BARNY | From the name BERNARD | German | M |
BARON | Noble Man | German | M |
BARRINGTON | Town of Barr | English | M |
BARRY | Marksman | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BART | Son of Tolmai | Hebrew | M |
BARTH | Son of Tolmai | Hebrew | M |
BARTHOLEMEW | Hill, Furrow | Hebrew | M |
BARTHOLOMEW | Son of Tolmai | Hebrew | M |
BARTO | Hill, Furrow | Spanish | M |
BARTON | Barley Farm | English | M |
BARUCH | Blessed | Hebrew | M |
BARY | Marksman | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BASE | The Short One | English | M |
BASH | Forerunner | African | M |
BASIL | Like a King | Greek | M |
BAST | Of the City of Bubastis | African | M |
BASTIEN | Venerable, Revered | French | M |
BAT | Short for Bartholomew | American | M |
BAXTER | A Baker | English | M |
BAYARD | With Red-Brown Hair | French | M |
BAZYLI | Kingly | Polish | M |
BEATE | One Who Brings Joy | Latin | M |
BEAU | Beautiful, Handsome | French | M |
BEAUREGARD | Beautiful, Handsome | French | M |
BECK | The Brook | English | M |
BEDROS | Stone | Greek | M |
BELAY | Above, Superior | African | M |
BELDEN | From the Fair Valley | French | M |
BEN | Son of | Hebrew | M |
BENDEK | Blessed | Polish | M |
BENEDICT | Blessed | Latin | M |
BENITO | Blessed | Italian | M |
BENJAMIN | Son of My Right Hand | Hebrew | M |
BENJY | Son of My Right Hand | Hebrew | M |
BENNY | Son of My Right Hand | Hebrew | M |
BENSON | Son of BENJAMIN | Hebrew | M |
BERG | Mountain | German | M |
BERKE | Birch Tree | English | M |
BERNARD | Bold As A Bear | French | M |
BERNIE | From the name BERNARD | French | M |
BERNY | From the name BERNARD | French | M |
BERT | Bright | German | M |
BEVAN | Son of Evan | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BEVIS | Bowman | English | M |
BIEN | Ocean, sea | Vietnamese | M |
BIJAN | Hero | Persian | M |
BILL | From the name WILLIAM | English | M |
BILLY | From the name WILLIAM | German | M |
BIN | From the name BINGHAM | English | M |
BING | Pet form of BINGHAM | English | M |
BINGHAM | Town of the Hollow | English | M |
BINH | Vase, jar | Vietnamese | M |
BIRCH | Birch Tree | English | M |
BISHOP | A Bishop | English | M |
BITON | Born after Long Wait | African | M |
BJORN | Bear | Scandinavian | M |
BLADE | Knife, Sword | English | M |
BOAZ | Swift, Strong | Hebrew | M |
BOB | From the name ROBERT | English | M |
BONAVENTURE | Good Luck | Latin | M |
BOND | To Bind | English | M |
BONIFACY | Doer of Good Deeds | Polish | M |
BONNER | Good Citizen | American | M |
BONO | All Good | American | M |
BOOKER | Book Maker | English | M |
BOONE | Good | French | M |
BOOTH | Hut | English | M |
BORIS | Warrior | Slavic | M |
BORKA | Fighter | Slavic | M |
BORNA | Youthful | Persian | M |
BOWEN | Archer | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BOWIE | Yellow Haired | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BOYCE | From the Woods | German | M |
BOYD | Blonde | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRAC | Free | Welsh | M |
BRAD | Broad Meadow | English | M |
BRADEN | Broad | English | M |
BRADFORD | A Broad Ford | English | M |
BRADLEY | A Broad Lea, Meadow | English | M |
BRAEDEN | From the Dark Valley | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRAN | From the name BRAND | English | M |
BRAND | Marked by fire | English | M |
BRANDEN | Little Raven | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRANDON | Little Raven | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRANT | From the name BRAND | English | M |
BRAYTON | From Great Bitain | English | M |
BRENDAN | Little Raven | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRENDON | Little Raven | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRENNAN | Raven-like | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRENT | from high on the hill | English | M |
BREWSTER | One Who Brews Beer | German | M |
BRIAN | Strong One | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRICE | Son of a Nobleman | English | M |
BRICK | From the name BRICE | English | M |
BRIER | Heather | English | M |
BRIGHAM | Covered Bridge | English | M |
BRIGHTON | From the Bright Town | English | M |
BRINLEY | Burnt Meadow | English | M |
BROCK | A Badger | English | M |
BRODERICK | Brother | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRODY | Brother | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRONE | Brown | English | M |
BRONSON | Son of Brown | English | M |
BROOKS | Running Water | English | M |
BROSH | Lips | Armenian | M |
BRUCE | Woods | French | M |
BRUIS | Mansion | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRUNO | Brown One | German | M |
BRYAN | Strong One | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRYANT | Strong, Honorable | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BRYSON | Grandson of a Nobleman | American | M |
BUCK | Deer, Cowboy | American | M |
BUD | Messenger, Friend | American | M |
BUDDY | Friend | American | M |
BURGESS | Town Citizen | German | M |
BURIAN | Near the Woods | Slavic | M |
BURKE | From the fortress | French | M |
BURT | Town of the Fortress | English | M |
BURTON | Town of the Fortress | English | M |
BUZZ | Village in the Woods | Celtic/Gaelic | M |
BYRD | Like a Bird | English | M |
BYRON | Barn or Cottage | English | M |